Resource Library


Small to Mid-Size Tax Exempt Workshop
This Small to Mid-Size 501(c)(3) Organization Workshop will guide you through the courses here at StayExempt. By attending this virtual workshop, your organizational leadership and volunteers will understand the benefits, limitations and expectations for exempt organizations.

Frequently Asked Questions
Helpful questions and answers for exempt organizations.

Life Cycle of an Exempt Organization
The Life Cycle tool provides information on points of intersection between organizations and the IRS. Materials include explanatory information and links to forms an organization may need to file during the five stages of its charitable life.

Issue Podcasts
The IRS offers Issue Podcasts as resources for sharing technical knowledge. These Issue Podcasts provide an overview of various issues.

Retirement Plan Resources
Educational presentations on retirement plans

Indian Tribal Governments Resources
Educational presentations on ITG

Tax Exempt Bonds Resources
Educational presentations on TEB